Privacy Policy

(updated 2020-04-16)

At MAX Burgers we respect and care for your privacy. This Policy explains when and why we collect, use and share personal information about people that use our websites, mobile applications or use our digital channels to contact us (combined “online services”). 


By using our online services or by contacting us you agree to this Privacy Policy and that we process your personal information. You also agree that we can use digital communication channels to contact you.

For questions related to data protection, please contact us at

Data processing - How we collect, what we collect and why we collect it

Personal information

Basic information you provide us when registering for a user account or place a guest order like, first and last name, e-mail address, telephone number, information collected from social media profiles and permissions for marketing on behalf of the branded website owner. A personal user identification code is created and used by the website. We may also store communication and correspondence if you contact us or report a problem with the technology we provide.

This data constitutes your personal identifiable information (PII), which means that this data on your request can be deleted and/or exported to you in a machine-readable format.

For orders that are delivered to a car (so called “in-car-delivery”), we also collect car registration number and color of the car. This data is deleted after the order has been carried out.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is need to fulfill our commitment to you, to comply with our legal obligations and our legitimate interest.

Legitimate interests: prevention of crime and suspicious, malicious behavior, such as fraud.

Location data

If you agree to share your location of your mobile device and/or computer your position will be used to customize our online services, your user experience and to prevent fraud. We can also use your location to present localized marketing offerings.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is need to fulfill our commitment to you and our legitimate interest.

Legitimate interests: prevention of crime and suspicious, malicious behavior, such as fraud, to provide you with content on updates during the ordering process, and to facilitate efficient operation and monitoring of our business.

Transaction data

Details of transactions you carry out through our online services. This is used to keep track of your orders and provide an order history and for customization of content, to enhance user experience and permission marketing.

This data constitutes your personal identifiable information (PII), which means that this data on your request can be deleted and/or exported to you in a machine-readable format.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to comply with our legal obligations, fulfill our commitment to you, and our legitimate interest.

Behavioral data

Details of your visits to our site including, but not limited to, traffic data, weblogs and other communication data. This is used to be able to improve our website and detect problems.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to fulfill our commitment to you, and our legitimate interest.

Legitimate interests: To provide and enhance user experience, and to prevention of crime and suspicious, malicious behavior, such as fraud.

Technovax data

When you use our online services, we may collect technical information, including the type of mobile device you use, a unique device identifier like IMEI number, device token, MAC address of the device’s wireless network interface, IP address, mobile phone number used by the device, mobile network information, operating system, web browser and versions of the same. This is used to be able to improve our website and detect problems.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to fulfill our commitment to you, and our legitimate interest.

Legitimate interests: prevention of crime and suspicious, malicious behavior, such as fraud.

Payment data

The payment options connected to orders and transactions. If you select to store credit card (Recurring Payments/EasyPayment) a tokenization solution provided by our bank and payment integration provider will be used. Card data is never stored in any of our online services.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to fulfill our commitment to you, and to comply with our legal obligations.


The password provided during account registration that enable sign in to a user account is stored encrypted. You are responsible for selecting a strong password and keeping this confidential.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to fulfill our commitment to you, and to comply with our legal obligations.

Use of cookies

We use cookies to identify, keep track of and count the website visitor, for more information please visit our Cookies Policy.

This data is anonymized and not portable.

Lawfulness of processing: this information is needed to fulfill our commitment to you, and to comply with our legal obligations.

Legitimate interests: Cookies is being used to provide you with content on updates during the ordering process, and to facilitate efficient operation and monitoring of our business.

Use of push-notifications

When you are using our online services, you will get the question to allow push-notifications. We use push-notifications to tell you about the ordering process, inform about news in our online services and changes to our terms and polices, and to show targeted marketing offers.

You yourself can turn on or off the push-notifications in the user settings of the online service. If you want to customize push-notifications without having a user account, please contact

Lawfulness of processing: User consent by allowing push-notifications.

Sensitive personal information

We do not knowingly or intentionally collect data classified as “sensitive personal information”.

Surveillance videos

In some of our restaurants, we use security cameras to protect our guests, personnel and property from crime. Surveillance videos are only shared with law enforcement upon specific request when it is required in an investigation of a crime. Surveillance Videos are deleted after 30 days.

Lawfulness of processing: our legitimate interest.

Legitimate interests: to protect our guests, employees and property from crime.

Conditions under which we may disclose data to other parties

Personal data may be disclosed to our service provider only to the extent necessary to run our business and to fulfill our obligations to you, and where required by law or to enforce our legal rights. We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

Transferring of data

Personal data may be transferred outside the European Union and the European economic zone, when we do so we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place and that parties involved are compliant with EU-U.S. Privacy shield or similar regulations.

How we keep it secure

Your Personal identifiable information (PII) is protected by both technical and organizational means. All transfers of PII and tokens will be encrypted. All PII is stored in a secure way and access to data is monitored, restricted to need to know basis and have committed themselves to confidentiality.

How long do we retain your information

We only retain personal identifiable information as long as we deem necessary for performing our services to you and to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. maintain records for tax authorities).

Your rights

You have the right to;

  • access to your data in a portable, machine-readable format.
  • request corrections and/or additions to your data
  • erasing of erroneous, unnecessary, incomplete or obsolete data
  • object to the use of individual automated decision making and/or profiling
  • restrict us to further process or access your data
  • have your data/account deleted
  • to complain to a supervisory authority

Amendments to the Privacy policy

The Privacy Policy can be changed at any time. Please always check the date for latest update before placing a new order. If you do not agree to any change(s) you shall stop using our online services.

Cookies Policy

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